Lowest post surgery 155
Last Sunday ~ 169
This Sunday ~ 165.2
Loss of 3.8!!
1 Full week sugar free....holy balls I did it....and I feel great!
Last night I went MTB and had so much energy.
I must remember this and stay on the path today at Easter Dinner...I'm very very nervous that I will have some wine and then say fuck it and dive in....The obvious solution would be no wine.. because wine is sugar too.... hum - I shall meditate on it whilst at Sunday Mass (AKA - epic 3 hour mountain bike ride - my church is free and was built by mother nature)
I only have one quick appointment today - a walkthrough at a property that is closing tomorrow. Then its off to the woods!
I hope everyone that celebrates Easter will have a nice day with their family and friends - and those that don't take advantage of this beautiful Sunday and get outside!
Stopped here yesterday for a vista with a rental customer -
Life is beautiful - Montauk- ditch
End of my MTB Ride last night
Jake - houseguest! - He is going home today :(
Jakey on the go!
Jake, Sammy and half of Ed - running in the marsh
New Grips for my race bike - Lizard Skinz - pink with green clamp with skulls on them - so badass...
Ok - enough of Jake and Ed