
Friday, August 31, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

Its a blue moon tonight!  

What does that mean?  No its not actually blue - its the second full moon in a month ~ sometimes referred to as a Goal Moon....hmmm hint hint....
Also have photo shoot on September 28th for the calendar...

So with that in mind - I am back to watching you tube videos and having BandedWendy yell at me.  

Plan for today 

Morning Shake
Atkins Shake
Fruit Salad 
Atkins shake

Mountain Bike

Lite dinner -

Ten Things Thursday

Thanks Laura Belle - My Favorite day of the week!

1.  Its the last week of summer! - Happy/Sad at the same time - I can't wait to go sweater and boot shopping...does that make me a dork?

2.  I've got a touch of the Hangover this morning.... Went to a party last night and played lawn games until the moon was high in the sky - it felt kinda like a Field Day - so much fun

This is my favorite game - ever - I call it swinging balls and I'm awesome at it!
Corn hole and Cub were two other games that we played

3.  What was supposed to be a quiet week for work has turned into a bit of a shit show - but hey, it's all good

4. I am a school supply addict and I really want a new Trapper Keeper or box of new crayons..

5.  I will pull it together today.  

6.  I have nothing to say, my brain is mushy today....I'll leave you with this photo of the end of summer 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thank you for kick in the pants!

Thanks for the motivation girls!  I will exercise today - its a new day - humidity is low and fall is creeping in.  This is what I discovered yesterday: 
I was feeling so tired, cranky and awful because of TOM - I know I should know better but I am so irregular as I have an IUD and hardly ever get it that I thought I was dying - cravings, bloat, and tired - duh....all symptoms.  Sprinkle on top a little bit of stress and there you go - a perfect storm of binging, self pity and the dark hole appears.  
There - lesson learned.

Plan for today ~ 
Morning Shake 
Bringing Atkins shakes to work to make it through the day 
Amy's dinner tonight to keep calories in check. 
Going for a mtb spin today after work come hell or high water - enough is enough 
Picking classes at the gym and getting a plan together for September - only six weeks till the Serpents Back Race

Today is the big day - I have a very important customer that I'm taking house shopping - I even washed the Subaru ... fingers crossed we get a deal together! 

I think I mentioned that after the minor renovation we just finished - I decided that I hate all of our furniture - most of it was hand me downs from 10 years ago - I made mo take our dining chairs and table to the dump - and no we havent bought a new one yet -we are forced to picnic for dinner....ha! See below...
The Ultimate comfort food... NSV this is the small and I only ate half
A random vistor - his name was Louie - so  cute

Deep thoughts with MO ~ I think he is cursing me for geting rid of our table....

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I need a fitness buddy to kick my ASS....

I've been trying to post for days -- and its just not here is the truth - I need a buddy.  I've lost my went away on vacation - no clue where it went, I hope somewhere nice and that when it comes back its all tan and happy and motivated.  I'm out of control on the candy/sugar wagon.  This is a reoccuring theme and I'm terrified that I'm going to wake up back at 241.

Yesterday I slept for 12 hours and last night I put in 10hours and DO NOT WANT to go to work.  
Can someone remind me how good it feels to loose weight and buy new fall clothes - because for some reason when I am faced with a decision between eating shit and just saying no - I seem to forget ...

Below is the post I was trying to write over the past few days - its a half assed attempt at fall fashion and what I did over the weekend...

My brain hurts.... Its easier to post photos

#1 Fall Fashion - I have no clothes ~ desperate to find my own style - I think its going to be a cross between this 

And the donna reed dress/kate spade dresses that I love...
Any thoughts....

I went to the Hamtpon Classic Horse show on Sunday to support my friends ~ its the official end of the summer here in the Hamptons - all the locals are totally fried and over the renters and visitors.   We even have celebrations on Labor Day ( Mimosa Monday ~ at the ocean, Tumbleweed Tuesday ~ at all the bars and then the famous AMF party at one of the local dive bars - it stands for Adios Mutha....Fu@#ers)  Don't get me wrong - we love the tourists - they keep our economy going but we also love to see them go, and get our little towns back to a more manageable population.

My old Boss Passed away this year and they renamed the Main Hunter Ring after her - it was a beautiful ceremony...

The Grand Prix tent - on Sunday it will be full of celebs and real housewives - I go for the people show....

Friday, August 24, 2012

PB2 ~ Verdict is in...

5:30 am - stumbling around in the dark to make my shake and get ready for a ride....
Bonus points for having a hangover and going anyway!

PB2 - is the bomb! 

This couple parked right in front of us and proceed to make out and almost have sex - gross - and he was busted and she was really hot and young - definitely a sugar daddy situation

Beach Party!

Couch in the sand

Morning shake - not with the gatoraid...

God awful early

Thursday, August 23, 2012

10 Things Thursday! and weigh in

Thanks to Laura for the best day of the week ever!!

1. 163 ~ there it is....damage done.  

2. Ran yesterday - 2 miles...did not feel like it and I slogged it out

3. Yesterday was supposed to be an off day - so I only worked until noon then headed to the ocean.  Only ate watermelon and edamame on the beach ..

4.  Binged on ice cream pops in the car on the way home from the store - I'm more angry about the act of binging in the car and then hiding the evidence - old behaviors creeping in...I will not allow this to continue 

5.  This evening we are having a beach party - so looking forward to it.

6.  I'm so pissed that I can't mountain bike because of the awful ticks - I may just say fuck it and go anyway

7. Seeing you guys who are doing the boobs challenge lose is a big inspiration to me!  

8.  Andrea - CRUSHING IT!!!!  Hot damn I need to steal that mojo!

9.  I am jealous of the girls that are big and still rock a bikini and yet I cover every dimple and square of flesh...they are the true honey badgers - 

10.  God give me the strength to make 3 good decisions in a row to get back into my good habits....this sugar and dairy train has to stop.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Yesterday we rode 30 miles at 6:30 in the morning - It was Mo's first road ride with me...he hasn't been on the bike in a while  - I may have fibbed and told him we were going to do 15 Miles...whoopsies..
He road like a champ and didn't complain too much....
I was basking in the afterglow of our ride and it dawned on me - I am in better shape than him. NSV!  

Yesterday was a great day - I won 200 bucks!  Just for going to an open house and putting my card in a hat ~ This girl is feeling lucky!  Then I got great news for business - good things are coming but if I spell it out they may disappear - but know that hard work does pay off.  

I'm going to slog out a run this morning - that video that Amy posted is pretty awesome and Inspiring.

I've got to get to the office bright and early - like 8am because its a beach day!  Going to settle in at the ocean for the afternoon and then they are showing Jaws on the beach tonight...should be fun.

Lori has a great blog post today ~ a poem about habits ~ check it out because its dead on.
Thats my problem - I need to train my habits...
At least I'm addicted to exercise....
Happy Hump day.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Its dark out.....

5:30 in the morning - still dark....I feel fall creeping up on me.
I plan on wallowing in the last rays of summer until the frost forces me to admit that its over ~ so there!

Last night I met some friends down at the ocean for a swim and sunset.  It was amazing - I know I should be used to it but every time I witness such awesomeness I am in awe - the colors in the sky and on the water - too cool.  And as we were hanging out and chatting I look up and there is Alec Baldwin standing over us - he was walking along the beach with his new wife and their puppy.  Damn he looks good - poster child for Yoga - I think I shall try it - he really looked great.

This morning - I'm up and off for a bike ride.  Ordered my PB2 from amazon - never had it before but I see some of you are fans so I'll jump on that low cal bandwagon and take it for a spin.
Not much new here - been slacking on the health front and working hard at trying to make money.
I still can't believe some of you teachers are back to school already!  Here that doesn't start until after Labor Day.
Here are some photos from last night and one from my work party.

Tan lines Much?

Even Alec Baldwin was taking pictures of the sunset.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Little Edie Beale

Yesterday - I didn't run but the good news is that the poor food choices ended early..mainly because work got in the way...thank you.
I love me some wacky socialites - aka Edie Beale - I went to Grey Gardens yesterday for an open house - the current owner has restored the house to its glory days - when she bought it there were raccoons and a cat colony living in it with the Beales.  The house just feels like me - one day I shall live there...

But then around 3 we were watching a fender bender out of our office window - Jeep backed into a Porsche....standard on main street.  It was then decided that we shall blow off the afternoon and go for cocktails on the dock...This worked to my advantage because I got more calls and business done just sitting watching the water than had I been in front of the computer stressing out.  This proves my theory that the universe wants me to day drink by the sea..

Really? House dress at 4pm at a restaurant?  Big Edie is following me...
I am actually going for a run shortly - there is no way I can make through the rest of this weekend without clearing out my brain cobwebs and getting a sweat on! 
Plan for today ~ 
Protein Shake
Green Juice for Lunch 
Corn on the cob for dinner and bbq tofu

Friday, August 17, 2012

uh ohhhh

You know your day is gonna be a shit storm when you look at your calendar and there is no blank space - appts through until 6pm....
The mature way to handle this is to eat veggies, go for a run and meditate to clear your head. 
I did the opposite - ate ice cream for breakfast - watched the real house wives of NYC and ran into the office like my pants were on fire.
The rest of my day was a total cluster fluck...sigh.  
Of course I ended the day with a frozen margarita and fried mac n cheese bites (this was a religious experience). 

So basically yesterday was a picture perfect snapshot of how I used to live pre-op.  I am not going to wallow in the carb hangover...I did just eat left over quesadillas for protein powder is on backorder so no shake...but now from this moment on (7:54 EST) I'm going to eat clean and forge on into the weekend of craziness.

Happy Friday ~ make it count.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ten Things Thursday

Dang ~ time flys!  Thanks Laura for my favorite day of the week EVER!

1. I survived last weekend ~ Hallelujer!  

2.  I took Tuesday as a day for ME! - Road ride bright and early with my Brother in Law who was crashing on our couch for a few days...I only worked two hours then went to the beach and then had a nite out on the wastypants with a few friends from work and ended up sleeping at a friends house and doing the walk of shame in clothes from the night before  #classybroad.
It was worth it - had to blow off steam!

3. Going running this morning. 

4.  I went for a MTB on monday night to blow off more steam from the weekend and am now covered in "chigger" bites...thats what we call it here but really its the nymph lone star ticks that you cant see - they bite the hell out of you and it itches for days - I will not be going into the woods until september...that makes me sad.  It even causes people to become allergic to red meat ~ read about it here - reason number 110 I am happy to be vegetarian

5. Eating is no bueno - thank god I'm tight or it would be really ugly

6.  Not much to say just that I've been crazy at work

7.  I really want to go here

8.  Praying that all my hard work will pay off and a pay day will rain down upon me.

9 -10 - meh not much else to say - gotta get my sneaks on and get a sweat on!


My new doormat

Hipsters in the hamptons

Last MTB for a while ~ booooo

Tuesday ~ afternoon of heaven

7am ocean in Sagaponack

Ed - couch nap

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekend...immature rant

This weekend is nuts for me - work is crazy - my eating has been horrific - I swear I would snort a pixie stick if I had one.  Traffic is an effing nightmare, people are mean, and I didn't exercise this morning because I had to clean the house, didn't walk the dogs because I had to clean the house.  My lawn is knee high and the dogs need baths, My car is dirty, my bikes are dirty, there is no food in the house and I ran out of protein powder so I am stuck on oatmeal right now.  My appointments all run late, I have yet to set up this afternoon's house showings and tomorrow is an even bigger nightmare - no clue how to be in three places at once. Stress is off the charts. 

It has become totally clear to me that the only thing standing between me and goal and living an awesome life is work - yep I blame work and money today for my woes.   

I truly believe (and this goes against all self help/Buddhist/enlightenment thoughts) that money would set me free.  Yep - I would be able to train properly, rest properly, my house would be clean, my hair would be pretty, I would be able to afford good skin cream and makeup remover not have to use the hand soap to take off my mascara.  I would have garden full of fresh veggies and fruit.  My car would be clean, I'd have yummy healthy food around the house, I could plan a zen getaway because we all know stress leads to death and obesity.  I would have a portfolio with stocks and things and would walk through life worrying only about how to shave a few seconds off my next race time.  I would have time to save the world or at least get my non profit of the ground and help animals who need me.  I would have a vita mix and eat raw food.  I would have parties and not be ashamed to have people at my house.  I could spontaneously meet friends for drinks and dinner at any restaurant in town because I could afford it and I would even treat them.

I would be free and life would be perfect.  

Off to start my day - wearing the same dress I wore yesterday - hoping for no stains on it and totally over the humidity - wishing I had the luxury of pulling the covers over my head, cranking the A/C and waking up rich.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ten Things Thursday

1. Its still humid...gross ~ going for mtb in a minute - easy spin for fun

2. I ran a 5K yesterday morning - thought I was going to pass out - ran it in 32 minutes...I want to get back to the 29:30!

3.  Got my nails did yesterday - with the new "it" color 

4.  Nothing exciting to report with the food - just that yesterday's Sugar Free attempt ~ fail but the good news = its a new day!

5. Andrea is crushing it - losing every week  and looking great! 

6. Tonight is our annual work summer party - I'm looking forward to it for a change.  Should be a good time - its on the ocean in Bridgehampton.

7. I've got to get back to boot camp - I'm feeling like flubber - this lazy ass honey badger has not done a crunch or lifted a kettle bell  in months.

8. I might just play hooky and go to the ocean today ...I've been trying for days to do this and its not happened 

9.  Would the world fall apart if I let me phone go to voice mail?  

10. I blame this little farm stand for blowing me out of the water with  their awesome home made food -I have decided not to grocery shop and only purchase home made food from here.  
I'm no longer in denial that I am a slacker in the kitchen  - why beat yourself up when someone else can do it better.

More photos from this morning's spin and dog walk...
Morning trail - clearing the webs from my brain

manicure looks better with the gloves!

Sir ed - trying to decide if the water is to his liking
