Its Sunday! I'm so happy I have the morning free after yesterday's crazy day of showings.
There is a running joke among our mountain bike group that sunday morning rides are called Sunday Mass ~ since there is something so spiritual about being out with mother nature and greeting the day in the woods. And since none of us would get up early to go to church but will jump at the chance to get out of the house pre-dawn to ride our bikes for hours...
I'm going out to Montauk to ride with my friend Jeanine. I know it is just the next town over, but it feels like we are all Thelma and Louise when we load up her truck with the bikes, throw on some Greatful Dead and get ready to play in the woods on our bikes away from phones and people. We started our obsession with mountain biking together three years ago and have a blast whenever we ride ~ generally giggling and quoting Family Guy episodes along the trail ~"I feel Right".
I'm trying super hard to get miles in for VT50 but its not been easy ~ I broke my new wheelset and had to rush to the bike shop. After bribing the mechanics with a 6 pack of Fosters and some Heineken I got my bike back in 24 hours ~ unheard of service in August when the masses are here in the Hamptons and everyone is backed up. But hey ~ you gotta grease the wheels.
Hoping we get in a good 3 hour ride and 15 miles this morning ~ and here is plan for the day ~ I figure if I map it out, I will keep to it ~ the food has been an issue ~ especially at dinner seconds and THIRDS ~ what the WHAT!
Morning ~ 1 c coffe with .25 c lite soy milk
Breakfast Shake ~ choocolate soy milk, peanut butter, green vibrance and spirutein
pre ride gu
G2 ~ durning ride
Lunch ~ Leftover corn salad from last night 1c
Dinner ~ Tempeh roasted over quinoa with spinach
Snack ~ Berries
100 oz of WATER