
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ten Things Thursday!!!!!

Thanks to Laura for inventing my favorite day of the week!

1.  I'm up uber early to get in some mtb today ~ 

2.  Learning to stand up for myself and not let people walk all over me is hard...but yesterday I had a big victory with a client!  Yesssss!

3. I threw out my neck during the discussion with # 2 - lame.

4.  Last night mo was fishing down on the beach.  I met him down there on my bike- it was so beautiful - Lucky me...nothing like riding on wet sand into the sunset - I am so grateful for being able to live in paradise ~ I am also grateful that he didn't catch are yucky.

Mo Fishing

5. I am open to the abundance of the universe....This is my mantra...unfortunately I've also been open to the abundance of chocolate, cheese and guacamole....I think I need to be more specific...

6.  Thanks for commenting on my HOLYSHIT LIST!  I really am working on these - I think I'll make Tuesday my Bucket List day each week and give updates on it - if blogging helps me to achieve my WL it possible that it will help my HSL goals?  I think so! 

7. Whenever I tell people about my plan to make 10 million and then give it all away they look at me like I am bat shit crazy - I don't know...for some reason the idea of it makes me super happy and excited!

8.  Thou shall not count calories - when ever I try out a new app or try and track these little Fu*kers I end up binging....Must not do this.

9.  Our renovation is chugging along slowly...I can not wait for it to be over!  

10.  6:06 in the morning ~ about to get on the MTB and go slay some single track ~ that sounds way cooler than try and squeak out 10 miles with a pinched neck....

Happy Thursday girls!  I just wanted to give Miss Lorie a Shout Out!  That girl is crushing it and looks pretty in pink!!!!  Super inspiring!


  1. She does look fab in that dress! BTW you are super inspiring too ;)

  2. 5. I am open to the abundance of the universe....This is my mantra...unfortunately I've also been open to the abundance of chocolate, cheese and guacamole....I think I need to be more specific..

    I was CRACKING up!!! Have a great week!


  3. Man, that is just a beautiful picture. I want to go to the beach.

  4. I love fish, let Mo fish for my dinner... then he can grow you some veggies or something. :)

    Also, how did the neck throwing out happen, did you have to let your honey badger out to pay said client a visit?

  5. Love your TTT and other posts...they are always short, sweet, and right to the point :) I think fish are icky too! When you make your 10 million I would be more than happy to accept some of your know, because I would like to see you happy and all :)

  6. #5 made me giggle.

    And I want to live in paradise too!!!! Paaahhhhhleeeeaaase?!?!

    And I could never track cals either. I ended up binging too. What's up with that?!

  7. I love number 10! Call it what you will, it is your story!
