1. If you believe in a God - who or what form does it take? Person or thing? He or she? None of the above?
Mother Nature, The Universe and of course Buddah. I have a real problem with having to "pay" for religion. I have a huge problem with the Catholic Church (I am a recovering Catholic School Girl). I have a problem with male dominated brain washing for their own good. I believe in loving kindness and not using beliefs to wage wars or make others feel less than. I could go on here...but I'll spare ya'll.
2. If it were considered socially acceptable - would you stop shaving or waxing?
Eeeeew No. If I wasn't such a pussy I'd get a brazillian but crying and screaming in front of a Romanian woman that has to do my nails after just isn't ladylike.
3. How often do you weigh yourself? Why?
Used to every day but now its like 3 times a week - just to check in - somedays I'm like - "Man, I should be less than that!" And other days, I'm all "Thank you jaysus"
4. When was the last time you admitted you were wrong? (Thank you to Joey for this question)
No clue - I never am.
5. Repeat question. How was your week?Week was pretty good - got in my work outs - worked a lot - socialized with some peeps ~ got some new undies and pretty much did me. I'll have a better take on this tomorrow after I win the Megamillions.