
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Traveling ~ 166.0

Theres the daily scale bounce.

Traveling gets my band in a knot - always tighter than normal - but its uber tight this morning - probably because I'm over whelmed with the amount of crap I have to do before we leave -
And # 1 on that list is make the house look like we live like normal people and not hillbillies.  
We have friends staying with the all the things I overlook on a weekly basis -like huge dust balls, the piles of paper on my desk, the clothes everywhere in our room - all have to be organized like we don't live the way we do.
I realized why I'm a slob - its because I'm OCD - if I can't have it perfect I won't do it at all - sound familiar?  Yes, this applies to diet and exercise - I've gotten better at being more even and moderate in this area - however - house work...not so much.
Oh well - there is nothing like friends judging your messy nest to make you vaccume and scrub. - Even the dogs.

So rather than clean right now, or do laundry or pack - I'm shopping on and blogging...I shine under pressure and last minute hail marys.

And I just bought this swim suit - that I won't have for Florida but it was too awesome not to own.  Going to run now..

Any good books I should download for vacation?  Would love some suggestions - something fun and quick and maybe something life changing...I'm open to whatever!     


  1. I LOVE love love that swim suit.

  2. Vanessa, that is super cute!


  3. Super cute swim suit! You're vacations is going to be great!

  4. OMG I love that suit. and I know you will look great in it.....I need a new suit....
