
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ten Things Thursday

Dang ~ time flys!  Thanks Laura for my favorite day of the week EVER!

1. I survived last weekend ~ Hallelujer!  

2.  I took Tuesday as a day for ME! - Road ride bright and early with my Brother in Law who was crashing on our couch for a few days...I only worked two hours then went to the beach and then had a nite out on the wastypants with a few friends from work and ended up sleeping at a friends house and doing the walk of shame in clothes from the night before  #classybroad.
It was worth it - had to blow off steam!

3. Going running this morning. 

4.  I went for a MTB on monday night to blow off more steam from the weekend and am now covered in "chigger" bites...thats what we call it here but really its the nymph lone star ticks that you cant see - they bite the hell out of you and it itches for days - I will not be going into the woods until september...that makes me sad.  It even causes people to become allergic to red meat ~ read about it here - reason number 110 I am happy to be vegetarian

5. Eating is no bueno - thank god I'm tight or it would be really ugly

6.  Not much to say just that I've been crazy at work

7.  I really want to go here

8.  Praying that all my hard work will pay off and a pay day will rain down upon me.

9 -10 - meh not much else to say - gotta get my sneaks on and get a sweat on!


My new doormat

Hipsters in the hamptons

Last MTB for a while ~ booooo

Tuesday ~ afternoon of heaven

7am ocean in Sagaponack

Ed - couch nap


  1. Love that cutte puppy face and the door's so you!

  2. I hear you about cray-cray busy Warrior. Oh...and can Ed come and visit Auntie Cat? puuulease? I loves me some yeller dawgs...Just ask Laura and my obsession w/her Wyatt. Your Tuesday looks like heaven and close to what I'll be doing this coming week. /love

  3. Oh my Ed is a cutie...just love that face!!!!

  4. So cute!! I like your doormat too :)

  5. #7 - I wanna go, too. Let's schedule ASAP.
